MacArthur Station ~ May 2011 through 2021
MacArthur Station will provide 624 new homes on a 7.76 acre site, of which 516 homes iwll be market rate and 108 units will be below market rate. The development includes construction of 5 buildings for high density, multifamily housing, with a new 478-space parking garage for BART patrons and guests.
In addition, 42,500 square feet of local commercial and retail space will be constructed, along with 5,000 square feet of space for community use.
Phase 1 – Infrastructure Development
Phase 1 started construction in May 2011 and includes:
- Demolition of two existing motels located on West MacArthur Boulevard
- Construction of a new BART parking garage, replacing the existing surface parking lot
- Renovation of the Station Entry Plaza
- Renovation of the existing frontage road that currently serves as the shuttle and passenger drop off/pick up loading zone
- Development of two new pedestrian and bicycle friendly streets and walkways
Phase 2 – New Affordable Housing Development
Phase 2 includes Mural, a new 90-unit affordable housing community that began construction in September 2013 with an anticipated completion of Spring 2015.
Phases 3 through 5 – Market-Rate Housing Development
Phases 3 through 5 will include three market-rate housing projects that will include commercial and retail space on the ground floor. Construction is anticipated for the first market-rate phase in 2016.